Double Glazing Swanley

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Call London and Surrey Windows for Double Glazing in Swanley

For Swanley Double Glazed Windows call London and Surrey Windows on 0791 617 9772  or use our simple online contact form. Our experienced independently star rated Double Glazing Replacement Team can assist you with any Double Glazing Swanley requirements, so please do not hesitate to contact our team on 0791 617 9772.


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Double glazing, also known as insulating glass, is a type of window covering consisting of two or more glass window panes separated by space. It helps to reduce heat loss, noise, and utility bills. In addition to these benefits, double glazing also reduces condensation. Below are five reasons to install insulating glass in your home. Read on to discover the most compelling case for installing insulating glass in your home. We’ll also go over some common myths and misconceptions.

Reduces heat loss

Using a double glazed window or door can significantly reduce the amount of heat your home loses. By filling a gap between the two glass layers, a small amount of air or gas can be trapped inside the panes. This sealed component is then installed on the window. The process is typically completed in the factory, with low pressure to ensure the components do not mist up. Many homeowners are surprised to learn that double glazing can save up to 50% on their home’s energy bills.

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The amount of energy saving is highly dependent on the size of your property and the amount of energy it takes to maintain the same temperature inside the house. A 3 bedroom house would save around ten percent of its energy bill annually. If the same house was double-glazed, the savings could be more than double per year. This is a significant amount of money to save on your energy bill.

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Reduces noise

Although double glazing has numerous benefits, one of the most common questions it is asked is: How effective is it at reducing noise? Increasing noise pollution can have detrimental effects on our health, including our immune systems and sleep. Cutting noise pollution can improve our health and reduce stress, while improving our sleep and memory. Read on to learn how double glazing can help. Below, we’ve outlined some of the most common ways double glazing reduces noise.

One of the most important benefits of double glazing is its sound reduction properties. A wide air gap provides a better noise reduction than a narrow gap. But it also compromises thermal insulation. Narrow gaps reduce the insulation properties of the windows, while a wider gap makes air circulate easier. Because more air is allowed to circulate, wider gaps increase heat transfer by convection. Thus, double glazing will decrease noise in a home.

Reduces utility bills

Double glazing is a smart way to improve your home’s energy efficiency and comfort. It can cut your heating bills significantly, and reduces noise pollution by up to 50%. Furthermore, the thicker the glass panes, the less noise they make. The benefits of double glazing go far beyond the fact that you’ll save money on energy bills. If you’re considering upgrading your home’s windows and doors, you’ll want to consider these benefits as well.

While there are many other benefits of double glazing, the biggest benefit is that it can help reduce your energy costs. Double glazing can save hundreds of pounds per year on your energy bills, while also lowering your carbon footprint and increasing the value of your home. Not only will it improve your home’s comfort and security, it can also improve the energy efficiency of your entire building. And who wouldn’t want that? Read on to learn more about how double glazing can benefit your home.

Reduces condensation

Many homeowners are wondering why their double glazed windows are covered in condensation. This problem is more widespread than many would think – in fact, 44% of households experience draughts and condensation. Luckily, there are several solutions. Dehumidifiers can help reduce humidity and reduce condensation, but these options only work for temporary problems. The best solution is to use a dehumidifier in conjunction with a heating system to reduce condensation and keep the air in the home as dry as possible.

Improved thermal insulation is an important factor when it comes to reducing condensation. Better insulation reduces the amount of heat transfer to the outside surface, which makes the exterior glass colder and increases the risk of condensation. This type of condensation, which can be unsightly, is caused by differences in temperature between the interior and exterior surface of a window. Even with double glazing, some areas are more prone to condensation than others. For example, the air inside the bathroom will be warmer than the outside air, and will cause condensation on the glass. Aside from the potential risk of damage to the glass, there are also other measures to reduce condensation.

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