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For Cobham Double Glazed Windows call London and Surrey Windows on 0791 617 9772 or use our simple online contact form. Our experienced independently star rated Double Glazing Replacement Team can assist you with any Double Glazing Cobham requirements, so please do not hesitate to contact our team on 0791 617 9772.
How Double Glazing Can Lower Your Energy Bills
Double glazing refers to glass windows with space between them. This insul
ating material reduces heat transfer across a building’s entire envelope. The process of installing double glazing reduces your energy bills and improves the security of your property. Read on to discover some of the benefits of this system. You may be surprised to learn that double glazing can reduce your energy bills by as much as 50%. But what exactly is double glazing and why should you use it?
It insulates against heat loss
Double glazing insulates against heat loss by using a special gas or thermal cushion. This material acts as a thermal barrier, reducing the overall transfer of heat. When cold air strikes the glass, this water transfers its temperature to the gas layer. As the gas layer becomes saturated with water, condensation forms on the glass. It is this condensation that can make a room feel colder than it is actually.
Another type of insulation is the use of a spacer. This is the thin material between the two layers of glass. It can range from 6 to 20 mm in thickness and can be made of aluminum, fiber, or metal. Spacers are important because they prevent condensation. These windows can keep a house cool in the summer, but warm in the winter. The spacer thickness depends on the climate where the house is located.
The use of special types of glass in windows has several benefits, such as improving acoustics, improving summer insulation, and helping with noise reduction. Another option is filling the space between the two pieces of glass with an inert gas, which slows the movement of thermal energy. The size of the air space and the thickness of the glass determine the overall performance of the IGU. These factors can also impact how much noise they transmit.
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It reduces energy bills
The installation of double glazing can lower your energy bills. The exact amount depends on your property and the energy rating of the double glazing. However, you can expect to save money on your energy bills every year. Here are some of the ways double glazing can lower your bills. If you’re considering installing new windows in your home, you should know how double glazing works. Moreover, it’s worth noting that double glazing is not the only way to reduce your energy bills.
First of all, it reduces heat loss and noise from outside. This is because the vacuum between two panes of glass helps reduce sound transmission. Noise travels in waves and reflects off surfaces and bends around corners. So, double glazing creates buffers between the two panes. Second, it prevents noise from leaking into the house. Third, it keeps the house warmer than standard windows. However, this feature comes at a cost. However, the additional benefits of triple glazing are well worth the price.
Second, double glazing reduces heat loss through the windows. Heat loss through the windows accounts for 18 to 25% of the overall heat loss in a non-energy-efficient house. By insulating the glass, double glazing reduces heat loss through the windows and improves energy efficiency. Some types of double glazing even have reflective layers to lower the amount of heat entering a home. You can also use blinds, curtains, and window shades to increase the effectiveness of double glazing.
It improves security
The construction of double-glazed windows is an effective way to improve the security of a home or office. Unlike normal windows, double-glazed ones are more difficult to break. However, they are not completely burglar-proof – intruders can still smash through them with their bare hands or a set of tools. Even if double-glazed windows have no locking mechanism, you can still improve security with a few easy steps.
When compared to single-glazed windows, double-glazed ones are much harder to break. Adding extra bolts can further enhance their security. This means that burglars will be forced to use more expensive methods to get in. Other measures to improve the security of windows include installing specialised handles and hinges. Installing these extras will discourage burglars from targeting your home, and will also increase the value of your home. Lastly, double-glazed windows make your home look more attractive. In addition to security, they also make your windows look more attractive and can reduce noise and condensation.
The most obvious benefit of double glazing is the reduction of noise. The windows and doors of double-glazed houses are often equipped with multi-point locking mechanisms, and some even have sensors installed to protect against break-ins. The installation of double-glazed windows is a long-term investment, and the installation of double-glazed windows can improve the price of your home by up to 10%. Double-glazed windows are also highly durable, and are usually equipped with sensors to keep burglars away. However, you should know that the cost of these windows and doors will depend on how effective they are at reducing noise.