Double Glazing Morden

Double Glazing Morden

Sash Windows uPVC Windows Click to Contact

London and Surrey Windows

0791 617 9772

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If you aren’t familiar with what sash windows are, they are a kind of window made up of movable sashes or panels. One way to identify a sash window is that there is a frame holding together multiple glass panes. Quite often narrow muntins separate the panes.

There are several different kinds of sash window. Some of these have horizontally or vertically sliding panels, while others are simply opened toward the outside. The sliding sash windows sometimes are referred to as sliding sash, case, sash or Yorkshire light windows.

American-style traditional sash windows are another kind of sash window; they have two sashes with one placed over the other one inside a frame. This sash window operates with an up-and-down sliding motion. This makes these sash windows easy to clean because the individual sashes can tilt in or come out altogether. There are many different configurations, models and shapes to choose from within this class of sash window.


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The sash window has a long history, originating in England in the mid-17th century. The famous Ham House located on the River Thames just outside of London is an early architectural example of a building featuring sash windows. Robert Hooke is credited with creating the sash window, although there isn’t any conclusive evidence that proves this.

Victorian and Georgian style homes usually feature sash windows. These houses usually feature a classic six-panel sash window with two sashes, each featuring three panels above and below. This is often referred to as a six-over-six panel window. The standard size of sash windows is four feet wide; however, wooden sash can fit almost any size and there is no fixed rule.

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In order for sash windows to function, there is panel that is balanced through using a counter-weight made of heavy steel or another material hidden within the window frame.

Usually sash windows are made out of single glazed glass and soft wood, although sometimes double glazed glass is used.

Due to the fact that a sliding motion is required in order to open and close sash windows, they can be more vulnerable to problems than other windows. They require a lot of maintenance as well; however, the extra work involved is worth it since sash windows are very attractive.

In addition to the aesthetic appeal of sash windows, they are also more efficient in cooling the inside of a building during warm weather than other kinds of windows. This is due to the fact that sash windows open at both their bottom and their top. The room’s warm air is allowed to escape through the top opening, while cool air coming from outdoors is allowed in through the bottom opening.

A new kind of sash window was released recently into the marketplace. They are called uPVC sash windows, and they are attractive like regular sash windows are but are much more energy efficient and don’t require as much as maintenance and painting on a regular basis.

When you decide to give sash windows a try, be careful not to go with the first window installer you find. Make sure to get work samples and quotes from thee different companies at least before you make your final decision on which company you want to have install your new windows.

0791 617 9772